all postcodes in RM1 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM1 3BZ 0 51.57025 0.170637
RM1 3AA 1 1 51.578708 0.180232
RM1 3AB 76 51 51.580045 0.182345
RM1 3AR 1 1 51.580776 0.183494
RM1 3AX 41 0 51.577481 0.190899
RM1 3BB 1 1 51.581396 0.183538
RM1 3BD 1 1 51.581323 0.183578
RM1 3BF 20 0 51.581008 0.186983
RM1 3BH 1 1 51.581762 0.185733
RM1 3BJ 1 1 51.582033 0.186179
RM1 3BL 1 1 51.580812 0.185906
RM1 3BS 1 1 51.581745 0.187637
RM1 3BT 1 1 51.582214 0.187068
RM1 3BX 24 0 51.581007 0.18847
RM1 3DA 25 0 51.582128 0.188782
RM1 3DB 12 1 51.582836 0.189869
RM1 3DD 1 1 51.582661 0.188143
RM1 3DJ 30 0 51.581628 0.190028
RM1 3DL 2 1 51.582953 0.188893
RM1 3PJ 37 36 51.575436 0.18452